I know how you feel, because I've been there!
I want to persuade you that writing copy does not have to be a chore. All you need is a little mindshift towards writing articles.
Do me a favor and take what I'm about to offer you to heart. You will begin to look forward to writing, and you just might find yourself addicted!
1) Each article you submit is an advertisement for your Product, Program or Service.
If you have the opportunity to enlist an unlimited number of persuasive advertisements free of charge, all over the the globe building your company and reputation, demonstrating your top-notch expertise in your niche, would you take advantage of it?
Yes, of course you would!
Why? Because each article IS your own advertisement for your website or whichever Product, Program or Service you are offering.
In the article body you prove your expertise, teach your readers an important lesson about your niche. Then, in your resource box you will tell a little about yourself and your business and give readers a purpose to go to your website.
Each article that you submit gets picked up for re-publication on more and more sites, like a bad disease "spreading the news". The more value you offer in the articles you submit, the more positive results for your website.
2) Every single article vouches for your knowledge on your topic. (Don't try and fake it, people can smell it a mile away.)
Your articles must have a goal of demonstrating your knowledge on your topic. This means that if your website is about fishing, then all of your articles should be about various aspects of fishing. Where to fish, what gear to fish with, types of fishing etc...
OK stop for a second now.... Let's make this perfectly clear and read this sentence twice...(outloud) "Your articles SHOULD NOT be about your business". That would make the article sales oriented, it turns people off, how do I know? From experience, that's how.
With writing articles about your Product, Program or Service being "selly" is not what you're going for here, save the selling for your sales letter or autoresponders. Instead, your article should educate your readers about your topic. Offer them a solution, give them value!
3) Each article you submit is literally a commercial for your business.
Are you one of those people who expects to submit a handful of articles and then see amazing and ongoing results? If you are, you wouldn't be the first.
BACK UP THE BUS! That is not the way article marketing works. Just as advertising and marketing are ongoing endeavours for every business owner, so is submitting articles. Do you want to spread the news about your website and yield more customers for your business?
Of course you do! Of course you do!
Your "commercial" consists of an article that should slap your reader in the face with your expertise on your topic.
The Number One Deadly Mistake Marketers Make
Angie Mitchell
Skype: angiebt79828
My Site
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